Friday, October 11, 2013

Mr. Plumbottom's Harpbreak Part II

Mr. Plumbottom searched the internet for jobs. He googled ''jobs and industries," he phoned ''Herman's Jobs and Industries," he even called his neighbors and asked if they knew about any jobs. Sure, that Professor Pirate Michael Plumbottom found more than plenty of jobs, but none of them suited him. One morning, he was sitting in his favorite armchair, sipping at the familiar taste of coffee, and reading the morning papers.   As the rusty old pirate ship rocked him at a slow, steady rhythm, he announced to his wife, "Isabelle, I think I am going to retire.'' But many questions were ringing in Mr. Plumbottom's head. Especially, How will I earn money if I retire? 
Suddenly, Mr. Plumbottom had a lightbulb. His friend Macy and her family were very rich. Surely Macy would purchase him a brand new harp.  Why hadn't he thought of that before? Mr. Plumbottom wouldn't retire! He would get a new harp and go back into the orchestra.  All he had to do was ask Macy!

The very next week, Mr. Plumbottom sat, practicing ''Ode to Joy'' on his brand new harp. Now both his harp and his heart were in one piece.

     T  H  E        E  N  D

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mr. Plumbottom's Harpbreak Part I

63-year-old Mr. Plumbottom was very sad. His harp had broken. He was practicing and got up to use the toilet, and his grandson tried to climb the harp. In the process, all the strings broke. Mr. Plumbottom was not angry, for his grandson was little and did not know any better. But Mr. Plumbottom was devastated.   And Mr. Plumbottom  had a job in a musical orchestra. Guess what? Mr. Plumbottom had no more gold. He had not made wise choices on how to spend his money.  Now he was left middle-class or maybe even a bit poor instead of extremely rich. Even worse, he didn't have the money to pay his employees, so they all  stopped working for him. So he had no money to purchase a new harp. And getting it fixed would be too expensive.  So Mr. Plumbottom decided to quit the orchestra.