Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More quotes

I would like to post some more quotes. These are from other people.

"It isn't important to play a tune perfectly, but the willingness to try makes it beautiful."- GG.  
Meaning: It is important to try even if it isn't perfect.                            
"There might be bears in the woods, but it's the gnats and mosquitoes that keep  you up all night."- Michelle Melani.  Meaning: Let go of the little things and worry about the big things instead.
"Never step on broken glass." - Chris Benz's son.  Meaning: When you are in a fight, don't do anything to make it worse. "
"While everything is up for discussion, everything is only up for discussion."- Chris Benz.
Meaning: It is okay to talk things out, but it is not okay to use force.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Little Grandpas Chapter Two

Since Dnumde had so much time, he decided to play on his phone. Finally, a group of short, silver- haired men arrived, followed by some taller, white-haired men. There were also some occasional men with glasses, and a few with dyed hair. Dnumde got on stage and held up the microphone. That was when he realized that he hadn't prepared a speech. So he decided that he would just see what the other men thought. One said that they should simply marry. But Dnumde complained that those women will have  already passed their sexpiration date. After what seemed like hours, the answer was settled. They would try to find younger marriage partners.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Little Grandpas

Like I said, Three Sisters will come out again soon, but I decided to write this story sooner rather than later, because my Grandpa Ed, who came up with this story originally, has had a lung transplant and sadly is not doing well. I dedicate this story not only to Grandpa Ed, but also to every man who wishes to have grandchildren. I hope that you laugh at the funny parts and cry at the sad parts, and please enjoy the witty characteristics of Dnumde and his fellow "grandpas."

What Dnumde Niwri truly wanted were funny, intelligent, talented grandchildren to bring him joy. So he organized  all the old men in the town to meet at the city hall at five that night. When he got there, at five fifteen, the city hall was deserted. After three minutes of confused astonishment, Dnumde realized that he had forgotten to adjust the clock on the spring time change, so instead of fifteen minutes late, he was forty-five minutes early!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Eliza's Quotes

 I will write about the Three Sisters again soon, but I wanted to post these quotes. I made them up myself.

1: Do not worry about the cover of the book, for it is the story inside that you are reading.
2: It takes a lot of boiling to make one bottle of maple syrup.
3: The prize is not the shine of the trophy, but the honor that comes with it.  

Here are the meanings. Number one: It doesn't matter what you look like. It is what is inside that matters. Number two: You have to have patience, because it is worth it at the end. (Number three's meaning is exactly what it says.)

It would be great if you could tell me some quotes. Quotes that you have made up, that is. Please do not give me any that you have heard before.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Three Sisters - Chapter Three

"Beth?"said Laura. "Rikky said that she wouldn't be speaking to you for quite a while." Beth's face fell. She had been crossing her fingers for a kind answer. "Well... okay," Beth replied. "Oh, and, by the way, you can stay at my house until you find a new one," said Laura.

The next day, Beth woke with a start. It took her a moment to remember the unfortunate events of the day before. She quickly dressed in the clothes that Laura had purchased for her in the shopping mall yesterday, left the guest's room, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. She walked downstairs and inhaled deeply to the smell of buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup. Shortly after breakfast, Beth said, "I don't feel so good. And I didn't eat too much, I'm sure of it. I only had one pancake and one helping of eggs." "Well, why don't you go upstairs and rest for a little while? I'll prepare a picnic for us to take to the park. You might need a little fresh air," said  Laura.      

Precisely one hour later, Beth was at the park, sitting on a blanket with Laura. It was quite a meal. Laura had packed fried chicken, hard boiled eggs, brownies fresh out of the oven, and homemade lemonade. Beth enjoyed the picnic because her symptoms did not include a stomachache, however, she still had a horrible headache, and was terribly tired.

The next day, Beth still wasn't feeling well, so she drove to the doctor's office. The doctor ran a few tests, then reported the conclusion back to Beth. "Miss Beth Jenkins, if I am not mistaken, you have the rare disease Laralactitus. I do not think it will lead to death. However..."

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Three Sisters - Chapter 2

Then Rikky did something that astonished herself. Something she hadn't done since her grandmother died twenty years ago. She began to cry. The crying turned into weeping and the weeping turned into sobbing as quickly as the fire had spread over Beth's house. Soon Rikky was practically wailing her head off.  She had not only lost her good old lobster, but probably Beth, too. She and Beth never quite got along with each other,  but the moment that Laura told Beth what Rikky had said, the little love for Rikky in Beth's heart would probably vanish completely. Rikky wondered for a moment if she should call Laura, but then she realized that Beth and Laura were probably already talking now.

Thousands of miles away, Beth was standing by the ashes of her house, the phone still in her hand. It rang. Beth pressed the talk button and held it up to her ear. It was Laura.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Three Sisters Chapter One

Rikky was sitting in her comfortable hotel room in Paris, sipping green tea with mint and munching marmalade toast when all of a sudden, the phone rang. Rikky picked it up. It was Laura. "Rikky, I have to tell you something,'' she said. "Well, make it quick,'' Rikky said. " Rikky, your lobster that Beth has been taking care of has passed. It all started when Beth's dog was farting. Beth lit a candle to cover the smell. She didn't watch where she set it down, so the wall caught fire, and Beth had to run outside with the phone  to call the fire department. Her dog got out safely, too, but the fire was spreading so fast, that it was a pile of shriveled remains by the time the firemen got there." Laura stopped to take a breath. "Beth couldn't find your lobster, so she decided that its ashes were among those of the house. She called me soon after, because she didn't want to tell you herself." By the time Laura had stopped talking, Rikky was fuming. "Well, tell Beth that I won't be speaking to her for quite a while!'' And with that, Rikky hung up.