Hi. My name is Matt Damon. Matt Damon the dog, that is. Even as a canine, I am heroic. My code name is MDHC.( Matt Damon the Heroic Canine.) You remember the story about my getting lost, right? I'm sure you have. Well, I didn't mean to cause a commotion. It's just that the team from my CNHCC (Celebrity Named Heroic Canine Club) sent me an S.O.S. signal saying to hightail it out of there (hee hee, get it? Hightail!), and pretty much, all I could do was run. I picked up speed, and pretty soon I reached the clubhouse. Panting, I stood on my hind legs and pawed at the knocker, when all of a sudden, I felt a rope tightening around my neck. It extended from a spaceship containing the well-known villain, Alberto, with his assistant, Alyssa.
Alberto had a voice like thunder and was so powerful that he could turn day into night. Even being very powerful and terrifying, he was small, short, and fat. He was a husky with long, greasy whiskers, a mile-long tail as rough as sandpaper, and his ears were so pointed, they looked like steak knives.
Alyssa was a Doberman Pinscher, and less terrifying than Alberto, but still scary enough to make you faint. She was fifty-eight years old and so skinny that she weighed as much as a college dog. Her voice was like gravel and every time she blinked, lightening flashed. She had long, tangled hair, the color of charcoal, and was about two heads taller than Alberto (although less powerful.)
So, back to the story. As soon as the rope was tight enough, I began to get dragged along the edge of the river. I needed to do something to stop the villains. Suddenly, the door of the clubhouse burst open. Christina Aguilera (the dog) and Blake Shelton (the dog) ran as fast as they could, which was faster than a speeding bullet. But they were still not fast enough to catch me. Alberto and Alyssa's spaceship was faster than the speed of light, and being dragged at that speed, my back caught on fire. Finally, Alberto and Alyssa's spaceship ran out of gas. I was relieved but in unimaginable pain. Blake & Christina rushed over. They were about to open their mouths, but faster than the shake of a lamb's tail, the engine started up again. That was because Alberto and Alyssa refilled their tank on plutonium whenever they ran out of gas.
Well, you know I was on fire, right? One of the sparks escaped and began to cut the rope extended from the spaceship. I stopped abruptly. By that time, I was up by Holliday Park. Alberto and Alyssa were still speeding through the sky in their spaceship, cackling and thinking I was still tied on.
Soon, Christina & Blake caught up. "Are you ok, MDHC?" they asked in unison. "Yes . . .yes . . . yes. I'm. . . fine," I panted. Then, Christina began to talk in a rush. "We sent out the SOS signal because our computer told us that Alberto and Alyssa were on their way. We still don't know what they were up to and what they want from us. That's what we have to figure out. Apparently, they got here too fast and we were too late to answer the door for you when they tied you up and began to drag you at the speed of light. I'm so, so, so sorry we didn't come sooner. Blake was peeing on a fire hydrant and I was munching on some dog treats. We didn't know you were in great danger."
Well, night was drawing near. We snuggled up together to brainstorm on how to catch Alberto and Alyssa, and, in spite of my wound, I was pretty comfortable.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Lost in Indianapolis – Celebrity Look-Alike Canine Hero named Matt Damon!
Lost in Indianapolis – Celebrity Look-Alike Canine Hero named Matt Damon!
Just like in the movies, Matt Damon is a hero. In this case, Matt Damon is a beloved, celebrity look-alike, female, canine hero.
I am nine years old and have this job walking two dachshunds, June & Ward (not celebrity look-alikes), for my neighbor. One day about a month ago, it was cold outside when I went to walk them, so little Ward’s collar just slipped off. I turned to catch him, but at the same time, felt June’s collar slipping off too so I turned around and clipped her collar back on. By then, Ward had vanished from the scene!
Immediately, I ran home, tied June on the porch, opened the door, and hollered for my mom. The next three hours were spent frantically looking for Ward with many neighbors helping in the search. We were desperate and it was getting colder and darker by the minute.
A neighbor named, Shannon was out walking her incredible celebrity look-alike dog, appropriately named, Matt Damon, when she heard the bad news. Shannon sent Matty to join the search and in less than ten minutes, the superhero sniffed her way to success! Matt Damon rescued the shivering, tiny puppy from behind a bush in an abandoned lot.
After much praise (bones) and even a congratulatory search party dinner, thrown in her honor, it became Matt Damon’s turn to be devastatingly lost. Proud Shannon felt safe to leave Matt Damon at her sister’s house for the Thanksgiving holiday. For no apparent reason, the heroic dog slipped away from a warm campfire and has not been seen since the evening of November 29th. Lost in Indianapolis at about 65th and Keystone, friends & neighbors have scoured the streets, vets, lost dog websites, and animal shelters. But, we do not have our hero to help us search and have not been able to find this gorgeous, white and tan lab mix.
**UPDATE - This was written to help in the search. Matt Damon has been found!
Friday, December 6, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 6 (final chapter)

was my Monster Mission, which said to mail somebody a nice drawing or letter, and it was in a plastic bag where the needle went through. The other one was a card that I signed my name on. Then, with the needle still through the two tags, I pushed the needle through the Smarshmallow and pushed on a lever. One of those long stringy plastic things that came from the gun, like the kind you find in new clothes, hitched the two tags to the Promise Monster. I decided I wanted two missions, so I got to use the gun again. Each monster has its own mission, but since I designed my own Monster, I got to pick any mission. My second mission said to visit sick kids at a hospital. Then I got one of each of the button designs, and there were a lot! Plus a keyring and box for them! I didn't know how to thank Promise Monsters. That's why I decided to write this story. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
Eliza G. Bradbury
Thursday, December 5, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 5
Next, Mike led me to a sewing machine on the other side of the room. He showed me how to sew the blue square into the small, sphere-like shape of the Smarshmallow. There was a small hole left at the bottom. We walked over to the stuffing machine. Erin and Zoe showed me how to stuff the Promise Monster. I held the Smarshmallow up to a long tube and the sasquatch stuffing machine heaved stuffing into the wee Monster's belly.
When the Monster was done being stuffed, Erin hand sewed a tag on and hand sewed the hole in the bottom closed.
Here is a video from the Promise Monsters website.
Friday, November 22, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 4
It was time to sew on the eye. We placed a square of white backing on top of a plastic square ring. Then we placed the fluffy blue square on top of the backing and pressed down hard until the square clicked into the ring. Then we laid on top the smaller pink square and slid the whole thing under the needle of the sewing machine. I pressed a button to sew on a Smarshmallow eye. It almost immediately started stitching the eye in the pink square. After a few minutes a brand new eye was sewn onto the small pink square.We took everything off the sewing machine. We trimmed the edges of the pink square because the eye was sewn on in an oval inside of the pink square. They used special scissors for trimming to get close to the edge of the eye. Then we peeled the backing off of the whole thing. Now we put the Smarshmallow's bottom on the sewing machine. I typed in that I wanted it to say Eliza, my name, and it started stitch-stitch-stitching. Minutes later, when I pulled it off, it said ELIZA in big, bold, capital letters.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory - Chapter 3
I laughed sheepishly.
Erin took me to the room with the vacuum switch and turned it off. She told me to pull on a tube. It came off. I reached inside and pulled. Out came the fur square, good as new. Zoe and Isaiah shook theirs. Now we would each choose fabric for our Monster's eye and bottom. Isaiah chose orange and orange, Zoe picked a lush purple for her bottom (I forget what her eye was), and I selected sky blue with large polka- dots the color of clouds for the bottom, and for the eye light pink, so light it looked like white.
Erin took me to the room with the vacuum switch and turned it off. She told me to pull on a tube. It came off. I reached inside and pulled. Out came the fur square, good as new. Zoe and Isaiah shook theirs. Now we would each choose fabric for our Monster's eye and bottom. Isaiah chose orange and orange, Zoe picked a lush purple for her bottom (I forget what her eye was), and I selected sky blue with large polka- dots the color of clouds for the bottom, and for the eye light pink, so light it looked like white.
My trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 2
They had me choose a fabric color. I chose a super-fluffy medium blue. My brother chose the same, only his was a nice, ripe-apple red. Zoe decided to make one too. Her fabric was a bright green with occasional blue tufts that looked as if they were growing. We went back into the sewing-machine room and each cut a square out of our fabric. We needed to shake off the monster fur in a vacuum. Erin led me to turn on the vacuum, and then we went back over to the vacuum and I held the fur loosely in my hand and shook it. The fur disappeared.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory - Chapter 1
One day I was invited to visit the Promise Monsters Factory to see how the Promise Monsters were made and to design my very own Smarshmallow. Smarshmallows are basically small, cute fluffy un-named Promise Monsters. When my brother, my mother, and I arrived, Mike and his wife Erin and Mike's daughter, Zoe, were there. Zoe was eight years old, almost nine, just like me. Mike, Erin, and Zoe led us into a small room. There were boxes piled up by the door, a closet, and a table in the corner. We watched as Zoe made Promise Monster buttons. She placed something silver in a small machine, and on top of that a small, circular piece of paper with a Promise Monsters design on it. Then a small, clear, circle of plastic. Zoe then pressed down on the machine. It made a clicking- like sound, like a stapler. Finally, she pulled out a shining new Promise Monster button. My family and I oohed and aahed.
Then, they led us into a larger room with sewing machines surrounding us. Mike's son Jack was sewing at one of them and a woman at another. Farther back into the room, there were two counters, with an opening between them. Back by the sewing machines, there was a very large red machine with ginormous plastic bubbles bulging out of its sides and front. Erin opened up the front and helped me load the giant stuffing machine. She then closed the door and had me press a button, and blades started chopping up the stuffing. Then, the Company led us into another room that had a closet within. It was time to design the Smarshmallow. . .
Monday, November 4, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory- Intro
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory a true story
by Eliza Bradbury
Dedicated to Promise Monsters
There once was a man named Mike. He and his children and his wife decided to start a company. They called that company Promise Monsters. Here's how it worked. The children would design a monster, somebody would order, and with their stuffed Monster would come a card. It had a Promise Monster bubble sticker, a Monster Mission, and a scratch- off code. A Monster Mission was an assignment to do something kind to somebody. Each Monster had its very own mission, such as kindness posters to hide in unexpected places, or baking cookies for your neighbor. Then you would scratch off your scratch- off code, type it into the computer, and a reward, such as a Promise Monster pin or brooch, would come in the mail. Well, the family changed that. Now a trading card with your mission on it and a little Promise Monster button hanging from a clip would come with your Monster in the mail, and you would not order a reward. The button would be your reward. But oh, there is much more to Promise Monsters than that. You can read about it in My Trip to the Promise Monster Factory chapter one, coming out soon.
by Eliza Bradbury
Dedicated to Promise Monsters
There once was a man named Mike. He and his children and his wife decided to start a company. They called that company Promise Monsters. Here's how it worked. The children would design a monster, somebody would order, and with their stuffed Monster would come a card. It had a Promise Monster bubble sticker, a Monster Mission, and a scratch- off code. A Monster Mission was an assignment to do something kind to somebody. Each Monster had its very own mission, such as kindness posters to hide in unexpected places, or baking cookies for your neighbor. Then you would scratch off your scratch- off code, type it into the computer, and a reward, such as a Promise Monster pin or brooch, would come in the mail. Well, the family changed that. Now a trading card with your mission on it and a little Promise Monster button hanging from a clip would come with your Monster in the mail, and you would not order a reward. The button would be your reward. But oh, there is much more to Promise Monsters than that. You can read about it in My Trip to the Promise Monster Factory chapter one, coming out soon.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Mr. Plumbottom's Harpbreak Part II
Mr. Plumbottom searched the internet for jobs. He googled ''jobs and industries," he phoned ''Herman's Jobs and Industries," he even called his neighbors and asked if they knew about any jobs. Sure, that Professor Pirate Michael Plumbottom found more than plenty of jobs, but none of them suited him. One morning, he was sitting in his favorite armchair, sipping at the familiar taste of coffee, and reading the morning papers. As the rusty old pirate ship rocked him at a slow, steady rhythm, he announced to his wife, "Isabelle, I think I am going to retire.'' But many questions were ringing in Mr. Plumbottom's head. Especially, How will I earn money if I retire?
Suddenly, Mr. Plumbottom had a lightbulb. His friend Macy and her family were very rich. Surely Macy would purchase him a brand new harp. Why hadn't he thought of that before? Mr. Plumbottom wouldn't retire! He would get a new harp and go back into the orchestra. All he had to do was ask Macy!
The very next week, Mr. Plumbottom sat, practicing ''Ode to Joy'' on his brand new harp. Now both his harp and his heart were in one piece.
Suddenly, Mr. Plumbottom had a lightbulb. His friend Macy and her family were very rich. Surely Macy would purchase him a brand new harp. Why hadn't he thought of that before? Mr. Plumbottom wouldn't retire! He would get a new harp and go back into the orchestra. All he had to do was ask Macy!
The very next week, Mr. Plumbottom sat, practicing ''Ode to Joy'' on his brand new harp. Now both his harp and his heart were in one piece.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Mr. Plumbottom's Harpbreak Part I
63-year-old Mr. Plumbottom was very sad. His harp had broken. He was practicing and got up to use the toilet, and his grandson tried to climb the harp. In the process, all the strings broke. Mr. Plumbottom was not angry, for his grandson was little and did not know any better. But Mr. Plumbottom was devastated. And Mr. Plumbottom had a job in a musical orchestra. Guess what? Mr. Plumbottom had no more gold. He had not made wise choices on how to spend his money. Now he was left middle-class or maybe even a bit poor instead of extremely rich. Even worse, he didn't have the money to pay his employees, so they all stopped working for him. So he had no money to purchase a new harp. And getting it fixed would be too expensive. So Mr. Plumbottom decided to quit the orchestra.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Isaiah the Beetle And The Northeast Region
It was six o' clock in the morning in Indiana and Mommy, Daddy, me, and Eliza were at the airport waiting for our flight to the Northeast Region of the United States. We looked our best. I was in denim jeans and my best shirt, the button-up one with the blue and white stripes. Eliza's hair was in a short ponytail with a yellow ribbon, and she wore a satin dress and white shoes. Daddy wore jeans and a clean white T-shirt. Mommy wore jeans and a purple blouse. We were eating blueberry muffins.
Two hours later on the plane I was practically dying of boredom. And I am not exaggerating. Well, okay, maybe just a little. I tried playing Scrabble with Eliza on Mommy's smartphone but Eliza kept winning. Finally, we got off our plane in New York. That night, we stayed in a hotel.
Next morning we took a walk around New York City. "Did you know that New York's state fruit is the apple?" asked Mommy cheerfully. "No," I muttered. I was in a bad mood because I had left my teddy bear at home in Indiana and could not sleep last night. "I knew that!" Eliza piped up. "And some of New York's most important natural resources are rich soil, minerals, and fresh water."
Next day we all spent the day driving our rental car all the way up to the boarder of Maine. The next morning we visited a souvenir shop and Eliza and I each bought a little bag of lobster Squinkies. Then we went out for lunch. We ordered a big red Maine lobster. "I guess lobsters are a natural resource in Maine," I said. "Very good, Isaiah," said Mommy. "They are."
A few days later, we had a picnic on the beach in Maryland. Mommy said,"Maryland's state flower is the Black-eyed Susan." After our picnic we went to a greenhouse and bought a bouquet of Black-eyed Susans.
Next morning we caught our flight back to Indiana. It had been quite a trip. Tiring, but fun. I was glad to crawl into my bed that night.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I wrote this for a Matisse inspired art competition at the IMA. The flowers and the staring woman made me think of hypnotic flowers. I wrote down the colors the woman saw by looking at the colors of the flowers. I couldn't write anything really surprising for the ending because in the picture it looked calm. A fly buzzing in her ear just popped into my head.
Eliza Bradbury
Lyla sat in her private chamber and stared at her bouquet of flowers. She felt
s…l…e…e...p…y, very sleepy indeed. Her
eyes started to spiral, she felt tingly as she was sucked into a hypnotic daze.
Color, lots of color! Red like her blush, white like winter, purple like her gown,
pink like her lip gloss, green like the bushes in the courtyard.
suddenly awoke to the sound of a fly buzzing in her ear.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Isaiah the Beetle
Isaiah could live as long as a human. (Ninety
years at the average, he was six now). Isaiah ate like a human. (His favorite
food was pears). Isaiah was the size of a human and could talk like a
human. He wore clothes and lived in a
house like a human. He even went to
school like a human. But the truth was, Isaiah was a beetle. His mother, Kelly, was a beetle. His father,
Dana, was a beetle. His eleven- and –a – half – year – old older sister, Eliza,
was a beetle. He even had a beautiful beetle girlfriend, seven- year- old
Ruthie Georgia. Isaiah lived in a
neighborhood called Beetlecottage Home.
Isaiah was a shiny jet-black rhino beetle who liked to wear a red shirt
with a fire engine on it and denim shorts.
Ruthie Georgia was a pale pink rhino beetle who wore a hot pink shirt
and a lavender tutu.
“What are you doing?” I asked
as I stepped into the garage. I’m a
beetle, so it was more like scuttling. “Taking apart the rusty canoe,” replied
Daddy. “Can I help?” I said in a
helpless voice so that Daddy would loose his head in sympathy and give in. But it didn’t work. “No, there are too many
sharp things in the garage right now,” said Daddy. I stuck out my lower lip
and whined. But Daddy wasn’t listening.
That night I tiptoed into
Eliza’s room. The yellow rhino beetle with a violet dot on her back, my sister
Eliza, stirred in her sleep. I nicely woke her up. It would have been fun to
sit on her head and make her scream, but Mommy or Daddy would have heard. Where
was I? Oh, yes, I nicely woke her up. “Eliza, I’ll shake out my piggy bank for
you if you will steal the old canoe parts in the garage,” I said.
A few minutes later, I was in
my room with an empty piggy bank and some rusty parts. I heard beetsteps
(footsteps in beetle language) coming. I shoved the parts into my suitcase all
ready and packed for our ship to England just in the nick of time.
“Hole in the bow! Hole in the
bow!” we heard the captain shouting from the deck of our ship one week
later. “Mommy, I stole Daddy’s boat
parts and they’re in my suitcase!” I said, worried that I would be scolded. But
Mommy was far too afraid of our sinking ship to scold me.
Hours later, the boat parts from
my suitcase were back together again and us and our suitcases and the captain
had rowed ourselves back to harbor in the rusty canoe .
Monday, August 26, 2013
Fifth Annual Liars Contest Eliza Bradbury 3rd place youth
I participated in the Liars Contest at the Indiana State Fair and won third place! This is a video of my winning Tall Tale.
Monday, August 19, 2013
On the Outskirts of Downtown Indianapolis- chapter 1
Eliza and her parents and her little brother were going to visit her great- uncle Roy and his girlfriend Mary in Ohio. Yet there was more news. Eliza's best friend Ollie got to come along! Eliza couldn't remember a time when Ollie came with her such a long way as Ohio. In the car, Eliza and Ollie listened to stories on a tape, drew and colored pictures, and played Hangman. When they got there, everyone had dinner. Then Ollie's parents arrived in their car. They were just in time for vanilla ice cream with blueberries. Eliza got three helpings.
The next day everyone drove to see G-uncle Roy's friends, Bob and Sylvia, and their daughter who had the same name as Ollie's mother, "Melissa."
When they got there, everyone went on a canoe trip. Ollie and his parents rode so far ahead in their canoe that when they had an accident there was nobody there to help them. Fortunately the others finally caught up. Ollie nor Melissa nor Brian were hurt, but somebody could've been, and Ollie was crying of fright and both Melissa and Ollie lost their shoes and Ollie lost his apple. Ollie was so freaked out that he rode in Sylvia's canoe for the rest of the trip. After the accident, everyone had a good time again. Ducks were spotted, mother-of-pearl shells were found, and at the end, flowers were picked. Before leaving, Eliza, Ollie, Isaiah, Dana, and Brian swam in the pond.
It was hard for Eliza to swim in this pond, for it was cold, and Eliza did not like the cold. But she had fun anyway. She and Ollie did an experiment- Eliza ran to the other side of the pond on land and Ollie swam to the other side in the water. Then they switched. They were trying to see which was fastest-land or water- and it turned out it was land.
Everyone spent one more night at Uncle Roy's house. Next day they went to a place called Serpent Mounds. It was- well- a giant mound shaped like a serpent. Everyone walked around the serpent- shaped grassy hill, and then it was time to start the long drive home to Indiana. It had been a great trip, but Eliza was eager to get back to her cozy house and she bet Ollie wanted to get back to his.
The next day everyone drove to see G-uncle Roy's friends, Bob and Sylvia, and their daughter who had the same name as Ollie's mother, "Melissa."
When they got there, everyone went on a canoe trip. Ollie and his parents rode so far ahead in their canoe that when they had an accident there was nobody there to help them. Fortunately the others finally caught up. Ollie nor Melissa nor Brian were hurt, but somebody could've been, and Ollie was crying of fright and both Melissa and Ollie lost their shoes and Ollie lost his apple. Ollie was so freaked out that he rode in Sylvia's canoe for the rest of the trip. After the accident, everyone had a good time again. Ducks were spotted, mother-of-pearl shells were found, and at the end, flowers were picked. Before leaving, Eliza, Ollie, Isaiah, Dana, and Brian swam in the pond.
It was hard for Eliza to swim in this pond, for it was cold, and Eliza did not like the cold. But she had fun anyway. She and Ollie did an experiment- Eliza ran to the other side of the pond on land and Ollie swam to the other side in the water. Then they switched. They were trying to see which was fastest-land or water- and it turned out it was land.
Everyone spent one more night at Uncle Roy's house. Next day they went to a place called Serpent Mounds. It was- well- a giant mound shaped like a serpent. Everyone walked around the serpent- shaped grassy hill, and then it was time to start the long drive home to Indiana. It had been a great trip, but Eliza was eager to get back to her cozy house and she bet Ollie wanted to get back to his.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
On the Outskirts of Downtown Indianapolis - Introduction
Once there was a little girl named Eliza
Bradbury. She was eight and a half and
had dishwater blond hair; cut asymmetrically.
She was four ft. four in., and she rarely dressed up fancy. She liked to read, draw, and play house with
her friends. She was not a girly-
girl. She did not like the stories where the prince rescues the lady. She thought
the princess should rescue the man. Eliza lived with her four old cats: Nimbus,
Gilligan, Cirrus, and Lucy; her old dog Willy; her mother, Kelly; her father, Dana;
and her younger brother, Isaiah, who was almost three years old. This is only the beginning of Eliza’s story.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Last Chapter of Runaway Groom (aka John and Jierra Meet Again)
John Perinski was nice and cozy in his warm bed in his mansion. He found a job as a baker so he was rich. He did not want to get married, he was afraid his wife would use up all their money.
Jierra Florence Meetlofe Nadenburger got on her bike to go to the nearest bakery for a midday treat. When she got there she parked her bike. She walked in and a man in a white baker's hat greeted her. "I'm Mr Perinski." "Perinski, Perinski," muttered Jierra. "Very familiar. Oh, you're the guy who tried to marry me for money!" And with that she stormed out the door. But before riding away, Jierra shouted,"Now I'm married to Gerald Nadenburger. So there!"
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Runaway Groom Chapter 7
"I am sorry- I cannot explain why I'm doing this- I admit it- no." Then he walked quickly down the isle and was never seen again. For a split second the un-bride was scared stiff. Then she broke into sobs. It was plain to see that her heart was broken into seven million and twenty-four pieces. It was a miracle she even lived. Her auntie rushed up the isle to comfort her. But the heartbroken un-bride was so upset that she seemed to be angry at everyone. So she ran down the isle, out the door, across the street and all the nine blocks home. She burst into her front door, ran to her room, flopped on her bed and sulked.
3 Years Later
Jierra held her newborn baby in her arms. Her husband Gerald lay next to her on the bed. I remember the day I almost married a man named John, Jierra thought. I'm glad I didn't marry him. He probably thought I had lot of money. But I don't. I only have as much as I need.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Runaway Groom Chapter 6
Jierra hesitated. Then she said, "Why not?" She leaned forward and put one hand on either side of the doorway, shifting her position. So the next day Jierra telephoned cousin Edlia to come over to help make her dress.
Jierra looked fabulous on the day of the wedding. Her chestnut hair had been highlighted with brick red and been put up in a thick little bun-bun on the top of her head. The bun had been tied with a white satin ribbon. She had a long white satin gown to match her hair ribbon. Her veil was made of silver netting covered in glitter glue.
John glanced at the benches covered in people. All of a sudden a child caught his eye. The child was reading a book. He saw a picture in the book. The item in the picture looked exactly like Jierra's gold. Even though it was upside down John could tell that it's headline was: Fool's Gold
The minister was now asking, "Do you take this woman as your wife?"
Friday, May 3, 2013
Runaway Groom chapter 5
That afternoon Jierra drove home with a wire cage containing her new pet chicken Cazette. That evening she would go to the pet store to buy a chicken coop and chicken feed but until then Cazette would have to stay in a cage.
Finally, one day, a few weeks later, Jierra heard a knock at the door. She opened it.
John knocked on Jierra's door, out of breath. He had ran up the steps as fast as he could because the longer he waited to ask his question, the more uneasy he felt. He decided to be confident, though, because he was ready for some loot. He quickly said, "Will you marry me?" The question was out! He almost gave a whoop of joy, but held back. He did not want Jierra to think he was crazy.
Finally, one day, a few weeks later, Jierra heard a knock at the door. She opened it.
John knocked on Jierra's door, out of breath. He had ran up the steps as fast as he could because the longer he waited to ask his question, the more uneasy he felt. He decided to be confident, though, because he was ready for some loot. He quickly said, "Will you marry me?" The question was out! He almost gave a whoop of joy, but held back. He did not want Jierra to think he was crazy.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Runaway Groom Chapter 4
The next morning, Jierra decided that there was something she needed to ask John.
So she put on a shirt and a pair of overalls and since she was eager to ask her question she accidentally grabbed a banana peel instead of a banana. Then with the banana peel she raced to her car and drove to
John's house. She ran up the front steps and gave the door a beating. John opened the door almost immediately. Then since she was so nervous, Jierra exclaimed, "I want a chicken!" "Baked or live?" asked John as if it were a normal question. "Whichever," replied Jierra. So John got in his car to go to McRally's chicken farm.
So she put on a shirt and a pair of overalls and since she was eager to ask her question she accidentally grabbed a banana peel instead of a banana. Then with the banana peel she raced to her car and drove to
John's house. She ran up the front steps and gave the door a beating. John opened the door almost immediately. Then since she was so nervous, Jierra exclaimed, "I want a chicken!" "Baked or live?" asked John as if it were a normal question. "Whichever," replied Jierra. So John got in his car to go to McRally's chicken farm.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Runaway Groom Chapter 3
So the next evening John knocked on Jierra's door. She immediately opened the door. Her eyes were half closed and her long brown hair was piled on top of her head in butter-yellow curlers. She had on a white bathrobe and some plain fluffy white slippers. John felt unsure about asking his question, so he answered the first thing that popped into his mind. "I want a beer!"
Jierra walked down the hall and turned. She was now out of John's sight. A few minutes later she came back with a beer. She handed him a beer. "If you care to know, I love you, John," said Jierra. John put the beer on a table by the door. He stepped out onto the porch and closed the door. He walked down the steps and along the sidewalk until he came to his car. He got in and drove away.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Runaway Groom Chapter 2
"Would you like to come to my house?" asked John. Jierra squinted at him. "It is your decision, ma'am. You do not have to if you do not want to," said John. "Oh no, I'd be delighted. I just got a bit suspicious because I was not sure why a man would ask me over when we just met on the street and have not had that large of a conversation yet. But I accept your invitation," said Jierra. So they walked to John's house. There was not much in the little cottage. A couch, a table, a chair, a glass cabinet with a china teapot, cup, and saucer, a bed with pillows and a quilt, and a fridge. Jierra had a plastic cup of coffee and her pocketbook in her hands, and because she had the coffee, John did not offer her anything to drink.
A year later, John and Jierra had been dating for a long time. John was ready to get rich. He decided that the next day he would ask Jierra the question he needed to ask her.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Runaway Groom
There once was a man named John. He wanted to get married. He only wanted to for money. He did not care how kind his wife was. So he went out on the street to look for rich women. Then he saw a woman. She had long brown hair and light, twinkling blue eyes. She had an indifferent expression. She looked like the kind of person to smile sometimes. But people look weird just going around with a cheesy smile on their face all the time. She looked like no lady. Just a normal woman. She did not look rich. But it was worth a try. So when she walked over to the coffee shop across the street, John followed her. She took some dollar bills from her pocketbook and set it on an outdoor table and walked in the coffee shop. John grabbed the pocket book and looked inside. He saw a chunk of glittery stuff. He quickly put the pocketbook down just as the young woman walked out again. "Hello," he said. "I'm John Perenski." "Hello" the woman repeated. "I'm Jierra Flourence Meetloaf."
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
The Last Chapter of the Dooms of the Dunes
Aunt Anastasia opened the door. "Mozar is not going to die! The doctor says!" said Aunt Anastasia.
Jierra, Dave, and Edlia grinned, tears of happiness streaming down their faces. "Oh, darling, you had your baby!" Aunt Anastasia screamed with joy. Mozar ran to the door and hugged everyone. Jierra never knew if the Dirtiers had been a dream. I know, though. They were not a dream. Jierra, nor Dave, nor Edlia ever told anyone about their adventure. Except maybe their kids... but that comes later on in my blog.
Jierra, Dave, and Edlia grinned, tears of happiness streaming down their faces. "Oh, darling, you had your baby!" Aunt Anastasia screamed with joy. Mozar ran to the door and hugged everyone. Jierra never knew if the Dirtiers had been a dream. I know, though. They were not a dream. Jierra, nor Dave, nor Edlia ever told anyone about their adventure. Except maybe their kids... but that comes later on in my blog.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 16
"Patuey!" said Dave. "You are a total liar!" "How do you know? Do you wanna save little Mozie or not? It's worth a try!" said Jierra. Then Jierra said, "I wish Horace was rich."
Immediately, thousand dollar bills piled up around Horace. He took a windshield snow scraper from behind his back and ran down the hallway. There, at the end of the hallway, was the lady Dirtier with the mole, the two giants, and a muscular man with red eyes and a gold turban with a ruby in the middle. Jierra guessed that he was king. Horace started scraping goo from the king, the lady, and the two giants. When Horace was finished, the creatures vanished in mid air. "Go, now," said Horace. "Close your eyes. This did all really happen to you, but time does not really exist here." Edlia ran down the hall to the bedroom, scooped up her baby, who was asleep, and closed her eyes. Jierra and Dave closed their eyes, too. Next thing they knew, they were on the beach at nighttime and they were standing next to the jail Horace had put Jierra in in the beginning of my story. They raced home and Jierra realized that her basket, phone, and star chart were in her hands.
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes chapter 15
Minutes later, Jierra, Edlia, and Dave were seated by Horace in the Dining Hall to eat. Horace sat at one end of the table and Edlia sat at the other end. Jierra sat next to Edlia and Dave sat on the other side of Edlia. They had cold Cheerios with milk. They each got a glass of wine for their drink. Edlia was twenty-three, and who knows how old Horace was? At least he was a grownup. But Dave and Jierra were still kids. Dave was sixteen and Jierra was thirteen. "I'm not allowed to drink wine," they said in unison. Edlia immediately said, "I'll drink it!" So they handed their gold goblets to her and Horace got them some orange juice. Then Horace said,"You can tell who is a Dirtier by searching for gold goo on their faces."
Jierra examined his face. No gold goo. Just scaly green skin. "I admit that I am not a dirtier," said Horace. "I work for them because I am poor. I am a genie. Only I cannot grant wishes for myself. So I want you to wish that I am rich for me. In return, I will scrape the gold goo off the Dirtiers' faces. They will have no power left and Mozar and the other little children will be okay. I will stop working for the Dirtiers if only you will wish that I am rich."
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 14
"Now it's nighttime, I'll lead you to your rooms," said the first Dirtier. " By the way, my name is Horace." Jierra had not noticed how much time had passed. Horace led her to her room. It had pink walls and one white king-sized bed and one white bunk-bed. On a bedside table made with a few strong pieces of maple, there were some violet lupines. The bedside table was beside the king-sized bed. On the bed, two pillows rested. One was white with a picture of two little bluebirds kissing, and one was lavender and had hot pink words that said '~My Lady~'. "This is Lady Edlia's bed," said Horace, lifting Edlia up into his huge, muscular arms and gently laying her down onto the bed. He pulled the covers up to her chest. She was already asleep. She did not snore, but they could hear soft breathing sounds coming from her.
Later that night, Jierra was awakened by crying sounds in the night. She peeked over the top edge of the bunk bed and there was Edlia, wide awake, her gray-blue eyes gazing up at Jierra, her new baby in her arms. The baby had a tuft of fuzzy blond hair and beady, blue eyes. It started hitting Edlia. Jierra jumped to the floor, grabbed that fussy baby, and set it on the carpet. It started hitting Jierra. Jierra grabbed Edlia. Edlia began to weep. "That's the worst baby in the universe!" she bawled. The baby screamed and then kept quiet. It wasn't hurt. Just angry. Jierra was madder than a wasp who just lost all it's honey. Next thing Jierra knew, it was morning and she was lying on the carpet next to the baby. She quickly scooched away.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 13
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 13
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 13
Then Jierra saw another giant sitting on a gold toilet. He stood up, twirled around, and stuck his completely naked butt in her face. Out came two things: A noise, PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLVVVVVVVVVVV; and a disgusting large brown tablet. "KILL HER, KILL HER," the giants started chanting. "SILENCE!!!!!!" roared a voice. The first dirtier entered the room. He said, "Jierra, the reason you guessed the food right is because I magically made the food appear on the table." "How?" "It does not matter! It only matters why! I'll tell you why! I wanted Edlia to get some food because I have a crush on her!" Edlia blushed and smiled. She was quite pretty. She had long, straight chestnut hair with streaks of golden blond and dark red. She had pale, fair skin and pearly white teeth that often stretched into a shy smile. She wore jeans and a plain lavender T-shirt. She had two pink barrettes in her hair.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 13
Then Jierra saw another giant sitting on a gold toilet. He stood up, twirled around, and stuck his completely naked butt in her face. Out came two things: A noise, PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLVVVVVVVVVVV; and a disgusting large brown tablet. "KILL HER, KILL HER," the giants started chanting. "SILENCE!!!!!!" roared a voice. The first dirtier entered the room. He said, "Jierra, the reason you guessed the food right is because I magically made the food appear on the table." "How?" "It does not matter! It only matters why! I'll tell you why! I wanted Edlia to get some food because I have a crush on her!" Edlia blushed and smiled. She was quite pretty. She had long, straight chestnut hair with streaks of golden blond and dark red. She had pale, fair skin and pearly white teeth that often stretched into a shy smile. She wore jeans and a plain lavender T-shirt. She had two pink barrettes in her hair.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 12
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 12
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 12
Big huge feet that could crush her to smithereens!! The girl creature's mouth stretched into a wide, cruel grin, and she appeared to be looking UP at something behind Jierra. UP!!!!!!!!!!! That meant that whatever was behind Jierra had to be taller then the twenty feet tall girl creature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jierra wanted to swirl around, but she did not want to put her back to the girl creature. So she jabbed Edlia in the ribs. Jierra said, "Hey, look over there!" She pointed to the girl creature. Then, when Edlia was looking at the creature, Jierra pushed Edlia, and turned her around to face whatever was lurking behind them. Then Jierra pushed Dave in front of her so that when she looked at what was behind her, she would have her back to him and not the creature. She whirled around and there was a huge naked green giant with nothing on except frilly white underwear. Jierra was about to laugh, but then she remembered what was happening. She did not think first. She yelled, "Get outa my way, nasty fart!" Then she could not help it. She burst out laughing.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 12
Big huge feet that could crush her to smithereens!! The girl creature's mouth stretched into a wide, cruel grin, and she appeared to be looking UP at something behind Jierra. UP!!!!!!!!!!! That meant that whatever was behind Jierra had to be taller then the twenty feet tall girl creature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jierra wanted to swirl around, but she did not want to put her back to the girl creature. So she jabbed Edlia in the ribs. Jierra said, "Hey, look over there!" She pointed to the girl creature. Then, when Edlia was looking at the creature, Jierra pushed Edlia, and turned her around to face whatever was lurking behind them. Then Jierra pushed Dave in front of her so that when she looked at what was behind her, she would have her back to him and not the creature. She whirled around and there was a huge naked green giant with nothing on except frilly white underwear. Jierra was about to laugh, but then she remembered what was happening. She did not think first. She yelled, "Get outa my way, nasty fart!" Then she could not help it. She burst out laughing.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 11
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 11
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 11
BOom! BOom! A figure entered the room. This one was a girl. She had on bright red lipstick and sparkly green eye shadow. She had on blush, and her skin was scaly and dark green. She had on a purple velvet dress with a trail of smoke on the end of it. She was floating in the air. She wore a black turban with a ruby and four diamonds on it. A large black mole was smack-dab in the middle of her chin. Long silky black curls bounced on her back. Though she was beautiful (except for her mole!) she was about twenty feet tall and her eyes were like ice. She looked to be about age thirty-three. Jierra's mouth was hanging open and her forehead was crinkled with worry. She quickly snapped her jaw shut. She did not want to upset someone this mean-looking. Then Jierra noticed something very, very phony about this. If the creature had a trail of smoke, she could not have made the boom-boom sound. What did would have to have...
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 11
BOom! BOom! A figure entered the room. This one was a girl. She had on bright red lipstick and sparkly green eye shadow. She had on blush, and her skin was scaly and dark green. She had on a purple velvet dress with a trail of smoke on the end of it. She was floating in the air. She wore a black turban with a ruby and four diamonds on it. A large black mole was smack-dab in the middle of her chin. Long silky black curls bounced on her back. Though she was beautiful (except for her mole!) she was about twenty feet tall and her eyes were like ice. She looked to be about age thirty-three. Jierra's mouth was hanging open and her forehead was crinkled with worry. She quickly snapped her jaw shut. She did not want to upset someone this mean-looking. Then Jierra noticed something very, very phony about this. If the creature had a trail of smoke, she could not have made the boom-boom sound. What did would have to have...
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 10
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 10
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 10
Jierra said, "Let's explore the palace!" Dave said, "Yeah." Edlia said,"I suppose. But I need to keep an eye on each of you infants. Of course, I have an even younger one to take care of." She smiled and patted her stomach. "Who?" asked Jierra, though it was pretty obvious what was happening. Edlia giggled. "Oh, you know how I married that nice young man Robert just a few weeks ago? You went to my wedding. We're having a baby." "Oh, is it a boy or a girl?" asked Jierra. She was not really excited. She was just wondering. She didn't really care what gender it was. She just wanted to know. "A girl," Edlia said cheerfully. "What ya gonna name the ratty rascal?"asked Dave. Edlia replied,"Sarah Lee, and she will not be a ratty rascal." Then she added hopefully, "Probably not." Jierra said, "Let's explore!"
There was a long corridor, and then they came into a room the size of a ballroom. It had a shelf full of black velvet books . On another shelf, there were black and white and red towels. There was also a bed bigger than a king-sized. The rest of the room was just empty space.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 10
Jierra said, "Let's explore the palace!" Dave said, "Yeah." Edlia said,"I suppose. But I need to keep an eye on each of you infants. Of course, I have an even younger one to take care of." She smiled and patted her stomach. "Who?" asked Jierra, though it was pretty obvious what was happening. Edlia giggled. "Oh, you know how I married that nice young man Robert just a few weeks ago? You went to my wedding. We're having a baby." "Oh, is it a boy or a girl?" asked Jierra. She was not really excited. She was just wondering. She didn't really care what gender it was. She just wanted to know. "A girl," Edlia said cheerfully. "What ya gonna name the ratty rascal?"asked Dave. Edlia replied,"Sarah Lee, and she will not be a ratty rascal." Then she added hopefully, "Probably not." Jierra said, "Let's explore!"
There was a long corridor, and then they came into a room the size of a ballroom. It had a shelf full of black velvet books . On another shelf, there were black and white and red towels. There was also a bed bigger than a king-sized. The rest of the room was just empty space.
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 9
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 9
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 9
Jierra heard a growl. Not the growl of a dirtier. Just the growl of Edlia's stomach. Edlia frowned as if to say, Why hasn't anyone suggested we go find breakfast? So Jierra said, "Let's eat! I'll bet there's apple pie, chicken and dumplings, peas and carrots, lettuce with vinaigrette, turkey breast and milk, and finally, root beer and lemonade." Jierra jumped up. "I'll race ya," said Dave. "Me, too," said Edlia. So they raced to the end of the hall. Edlia won, Jierra came in second, and Dave lost. They turned into the kitchen. It amazingly had exactly what Jierra said. Jierra sat next to Edlia, while Dave sat at the far end of the table. Nobody wanted to sit next to him because he wet his pants. Jierra and Dave had two helpings of everything, but Edlia only had one dumpling, a large piece of chicken, a slice of apple pie, and a glass of lemonade. Jierra burped twice, and Dave burped once. "Excuse you! You should be ashamed of yourselves! " said Edlia. Then she burped, too. " Excuse me," she said shyly, and looked down at her empty plate. Jierra and Dave snickered.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 9
Jierra heard a growl. Not the growl of a dirtier. Just the growl of Edlia's stomach. Edlia frowned as if to say, Why hasn't anyone suggested we go find breakfast? So Jierra said, "Let's eat! I'll bet there's apple pie, chicken and dumplings, peas and carrots, lettuce with vinaigrette, turkey breast and milk, and finally, root beer and lemonade." Jierra jumped up. "I'll race ya," said Dave. "Me, too," said Edlia. So they raced to the end of the hall. Edlia won, Jierra came in second, and Dave lost. They turned into the kitchen. It amazingly had exactly what Jierra said. Jierra sat next to Edlia, while Dave sat at the far end of the table. Nobody wanted to sit next to him because he wet his pants. Jierra and Dave had two helpings of everything, but Edlia only had one dumpling, a large piece of chicken, a slice of apple pie, and a glass of lemonade. Jierra burped twice, and Dave burped once. "Excuse you! You should be ashamed of yourselves! " said Edlia. Then she burped, too. " Excuse me," she said shyly, and looked down at her empty plate. Jierra and Dave snickered.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 8
The Dooms of the Dunes chapter 8
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 8
Jierra woke up in a bedroom and bed that looked somewhat like her own. It had black sheets and a pale yellow pillow case. A shiny pink chandelier hovered over it. There was a wooden bedside table painted hot pink. Maybe this had all been a dream after all. No, it hadn't. It had seemed too real. Then Jierra heard her proof. A voice which Jierra recognized to be Dave's said, "I wet my pants. This was proof because the night before, Dave said that he had to pee. Then Dave walked in. His pants were wet, alright. They were wet all the way from his crotches to his ankles. It looked like there had been a flood! Dave noticed that Jierra was staring. He said, "Stop staring! It's humiliating." Jierra snickered. Dave said, "I'm changing the subject. Last night, after that dirtier threw a rock at you and you fainted, me and Edlia waited until the dirtier went back to his castle, and we picked you up and followed him. We found this room in the palace of the dirtiers and put you in it. It is morning now. You are right, we are not going back home until the dirtiers and co-" "The dirtiers and king." Jierra corrected. "Whatever. Anyway, we are not going back home until the dirtiers and co. are dead." "Where's Edlia?" Jierra suddenly jerked up in bed as if she had sat on a pin. Dave pointed to the door. Edlia opened it, peeked in, and waved.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 8
Jierra woke up in a bedroom and bed that looked somewhat like her own. It had black sheets and a pale yellow pillow case. A shiny pink chandelier hovered over it. There was a wooden bedside table painted hot pink. Maybe this had all been a dream after all. No, it hadn't. It had seemed too real. Then Jierra heard her proof. A voice which Jierra recognized to be Dave's said, "I wet my pants. This was proof because the night before, Dave said that he had to pee. Then Dave walked in. His pants were wet, alright. They were wet all the way from his crotches to his ankles. It looked like there had been a flood! Dave noticed that Jierra was staring. He said, "Stop staring! It's humiliating." Jierra snickered. Dave said, "I'm changing the subject. Last night, after that dirtier threw a rock at you and you fainted, me and Edlia waited until the dirtier went back to his castle, and we picked you up and followed him. We found this room in the palace of the dirtiers and put you in it. It is morning now. You are right, we are not going back home until the dirtiers and co-" "The dirtiers and king." Jierra corrected. "Whatever. Anyway, we are not going back home until the dirtiers and co. are dead." "Where's Edlia?" Jierra suddenly jerked up in bed as if she had sat on a pin. Dave pointed to the door. Edlia opened it, peeked in, and waved.
Friday, February 8, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 7
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 7
The creature growled. "If all of us Dirtiers plus the King die, Mozar and all of the other little children we are going to kill will be fine." Jierra spoke up. "We ought to kill the Dirtiers and their king. Don't you think so, Edlia & Dave?" No response. Then Jierra heard a high, shrill, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then a piercing pain hit her leg. Then everything went totally black.
The creature growled. "If all of us Dirtiers plus the King die, Mozar and all of the other little children we are going to kill will be fine." Jierra spoke up. "We ought to kill the Dirtiers and their king. Don't you think so, Edlia & Dave?" No response. Then Jierra heard a high, shrill, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then a piercing pain hit her leg. Then everything went totally black.
Friday, January 25, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 6
The Dooms of the Dunes
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 6
"It's time to leave," sobbed Edlia. Jierra did not understand why Edlia was sobbing. Then Dave said, "Mozar is very sick. There is a high possibility that he'll... he'll... pass away into the heavens,'' (sob). "But we can't just leave," said Jierra. She almost sobbed too, but not quite, because she did not cry very often, even if horrible things were going on. Jierra again: "I met this monster and I have a feeling he has something to do with Mozar being sick and everything." Dave: "Come on, idiot. There's no such thing as monsters. Anyway, I have to pee reeeeeeaaaaaaaal bad." But behind them, there was a low growl. "Jierra, your're right, I am the one who is going to kill Mozar. And Dave, you are right about there being no monsters. We are not monsters. We are evil creatures. We are the tribe of the Dirty Slog. We are the dirtiers who kill and pollute."
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 6
"It's time to leave," sobbed Edlia. Jierra did not understand why Edlia was sobbing. Then Dave said, "Mozar is very sick. There is a high possibility that he'll... he'll... pass away into the heavens,'' (sob). "But we can't just leave," said Jierra. She almost sobbed too, but not quite, because she did not cry very often, even if horrible things were going on. Jierra again: "I met this monster and I have a feeling he has something to do with Mozar being sick and everything." Dave: "Come on, idiot. There's no such thing as monsters. Anyway, I have to pee reeeeeeaaaaaaaal bad." But behind them, there was a low growl. "Jierra, your're right, I am the one who is going to kill Mozar. And Dave, you are right about there being no monsters. We are not monsters. We are evil creatures. We are the tribe of the Dirty Slog. We are the dirtiers who kill and pollute."
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 5
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 5
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 5
She got up and started down a passage way. She did it on all fours so she could use her nails for lots of little tiny lanterns so that she would not bump into anything. She was shaking, and she was thirsty. The passage way was so long that it took an hour to get through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She stopped and decided to take a li'l nap. Well, by this time, the creature was very angry. It had come to check on her and when it got there it mumbled, "Must'v figured out the passage way." Edlia and Dave, two of Jierra's cousins, had also come to check on Jierra. They walked for a long time. They found the cell. They lifted it up and slid down the passage way. Meanwhile, Jierra awoke with a start. She heard footsteps coming. Now she was very thirsty. She heard Edlia's tender, gentle voice say,"Jierra!" Edlia sounded as if she was about to cry. "Yes, I'm here," Jierra replied. She held up her nails. "Oh, thank goodness," exclaimed Edlia. Dave said, "We brought some water for you."
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 5
She got up and started down a passage way. She did it on all fours so she could use her nails for lots of little tiny lanterns so that she would not bump into anything. She was shaking, and she was thirsty. The passage way was so long that it took an hour to get through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She stopped and decided to take a li'l nap. Well, by this time, the creature was very angry. It had come to check on her and when it got there it mumbled, "Must'v figured out the passage way." Edlia and Dave, two of Jierra's cousins, had also come to check on Jierra. They walked for a long time. They found the cell. They lifted it up and slid down the passage way. Meanwhile, Jierra awoke with a start. She heard footsteps coming. Now she was very thirsty. She heard Edlia's tender, gentle voice say,"Jierra!" Edlia sounded as if she was about to cry. "Yes, I'm here," Jierra replied. She held up her nails. "Oh, thank goodness," exclaimed Edlia. Dave said, "We brought some water for you."
Monday, January 21, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 4
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 4
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 4
Jierra understood that this meant that the rectangle with bars was the cell. So the square was somewhere at the bottom of the cell. What scared her was that she didn't know if it was an escape or... a booby trap. She was going to have to be brave and risk it being a booby trap. She knelt down and traced the floor with her fingers. She finally traced a small square. She jumped on it. It opened and she squeezed through. It was not that she was fat, (in fact she was very skinny), it was just that she was thirteen and this was fit for an eight-year-old. It was pitch-black and the only reason she could see her hands in front of her face if she wanted was because she had on Mega-Glow Nail Polish For Hands Of All Ages!. She kept Falling,Falling,Falling,Falling,Falling faster and faster until she fell hard on her back. She saw a spider on one of her nails and the only thing that kept her from screaming was the fact that it was just a daddy-long-legs. "Hi, Daddy", said Jierra, and giggled.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 4
Jierra understood that this meant that the rectangle with bars was the cell. So the square was somewhere at the bottom of the cell. What scared her was that she didn't know if it was an escape or... a booby trap. She was going to have to be brave and risk it being a booby trap. She knelt down and traced the floor with her fingers. She finally traced a small square. She jumped on it. It opened and she squeezed through. It was not that she was fat, (in fact she was very skinny), it was just that she was thirteen and this was fit for an eight-year-old. It was pitch-black and the only reason she could see her hands in front of her face if she wanted was because she had on Mega-Glow Nail Polish For Hands Of All Ages!. She kept Falling,Falling,Falling,Falling,Falling faster and faster until she fell hard on her back. She saw a spider on one of her nails and the only thing that kept her from screaming was the fact that it was just a daddy-long-legs. "Hi, Daddy", said Jierra, and giggled.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 3
The Dooms of the Dunes
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 3
Jierra followed the creature until she saw a rusty old cell. "You will go in there forever. It is jail," said the creature. The creature took away her basket of cheese, apples, hot cocoa, her lantern, phone, and her star chart. "No!" screamed Jierra. But it was too late. The creature had pushed her in and turned the key on the lock.He handed her a piece of stale bread crust and a little paper cup of water through the bars. Jierra was so tired that as soon as the creature left, she fell fast asleep. She had a dream. Her dream was that there was a rectangle with lines through it. It had a square in it. Jierra woke up sweating for two reasons. One, because she was scared of weird dreams. Two, because she knew what her dream meant. And these things scared her very much.
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 3
Jierra followed the creature until she saw a rusty old cell. "You will go in there forever. It is jail," said the creature. The creature took away her basket of cheese, apples, hot cocoa, her lantern, phone, and her star chart. "No!" screamed Jierra. But it was too late. The creature had pushed her in and turned the key on the lock.He handed her a piece of stale bread crust and a little paper cup of water through the bars. Jierra was so tired that as soon as the creature left, she fell fast asleep. She had a dream. Her dream was that there was a rectangle with lines through it. It had a square in it. Jierra woke up sweating for two reasons. One, because she was scared of weird dreams. Two, because she knew what her dream meant. And these things scared her very much.
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 2
The Dooms of the Dunes
The Dooms of the Dunes Chapter 2
"Follow me," the figure said. By now Jierra could see that the figure was a light but not bright unattractive green color. It had webbed hands and a smooth, clean face, that although was smooth and clean, was not at all handsome. It had long, tangly gray hair and a matching long, tangly gray beard. At the end of the figure, there was, instead of legs, a fin. But not all of it was visible. Instead of a real end, there was a trail of gray smoke hanging off the end of it. It had piercing red eyes. It looked like a cross between a man and a sea monster. The stars were no longer out.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The Dooms of the Dunes - chapter one
Jierra was lying on the couch and reading a baby book called " Where's Spot?" Jierra was like that. She would read anything that was interesting and not too hard. She put the book down and sighed. Tonight she would ask Aunt Anastasia if she could go to the beach tonight. Here's why this was hard. Aunt did not like Jierra going out at night. But when Jierra asked, Aunt yelled, "FINE!!! BUT JUST THIS ONCE!!!" Jierra set out to the beach to study stars with a basket of cheese, apples, and hot cocoa, a lantern, her phone, and a chart of the night sky. Then she saw a figure in the distance. It gruffly said, "This is property of THE KING. "What?" said Jierra, taking a few steps back. She adjusted her glasses to make sure that this was not Uncle Vincent trying to scare her. It was not. The figure growled, " I said, this is property of THE KING."
Jierra was lying on the couch and reading a baby book called " Where's Spot?" Jierra was like that. She would read anything that was interesting and not too hard. She put the book down and sighed. Tonight she would ask Aunt Anastasia if she could go to the beach tonight. Here's why this was hard. Aunt did not like Jierra going out at night. But when Jierra asked, Aunt yelled, "FINE!!! BUT JUST THIS ONCE!!!" Jierra set out to the beach to study stars with a basket of cheese, apples, and hot cocoa, a lantern, her phone, and a chart of the night sky. Then she saw a figure in the distance. It gruffly said, "This is property of THE KING. "What?" said Jierra, taking a few steps back. She adjusted her glasses to make sure that this was not Uncle Vincent trying to scare her. It was not. The figure growled, " I said, this is property of THE KING."
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