was my Monster Mission, which said to mail somebody a nice drawing or letter, and it was in a plastic bag where the needle went through. The other one was a card that I signed my name on. Then, with the needle still through the two tags, I pushed the needle through the Smarshmallow and pushed on a lever. One of those long stringy plastic things that came from the gun, like the kind you find in new clothes, hitched the two tags to the Promise Monster. I decided I wanted two missions, so I got to use the gun again. Each monster has its own mission, but since I designed my own Monster, I got to pick any mission. My second mission said to visit sick kids at a hospital. Then I got one of each of the button designs, and there were a lot! Plus a keyring and box for them! I didn't know how to thank Promise Monsters. That's why I decided to write this story. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
Eliza G. Bradbury
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