Hi. My name is Matt Damon. Matt Damon the dog, that is. Even as a canine, I am heroic. My code name is MDHC.( Matt Damon the Heroic Canine.) You remember the story about my getting lost, right? I'm sure you have. Well, I didn't mean to cause a commotion. It's just that the team from my CNHCC (Celebrity Named Heroic Canine Club) sent me an S.O.S. signal saying to hightail it out of there (hee hee, get it? Hightail!), and pretty much, all I could do was run. I picked up speed, and pretty soon I reached the clubhouse. Panting, I stood on my hind legs and pawed at the knocker, when all of a sudden, I felt a rope tightening around my neck. It extended from a spaceship containing the well-known villain, Alberto, with his assistant, Alyssa.
Alberto had a voice like thunder and was so powerful that he could turn day into night. Even being very powerful and terrifying, he was small, short, and fat. He was a husky with long, greasy whiskers, a mile-long tail as rough as sandpaper, and his ears were so pointed, they looked like steak knives.
Alyssa was a Doberman Pinscher, and less terrifying than Alberto, but still scary enough to make you faint. She was fifty-eight years old and so skinny that she weighed as much as a college dog. Her voice was like gravel and every time she blinked, lightening flashed. She had long, tangled hair, the color of charcoal, and was about two heads taller than Alberto (although less powerful.)
So, back to the story. As soon as the rope was tight enough, I began to get dragged along the edge of the river. I needed to do something to stop the villains. Suddenly, the door of the clubhouse burst open. Christina Aguilera (the dog) and Blake Shelton (the dog) ran as fast as they could, which was faster than a speeding bullet. But they were still not fast enough to catch me. Alberto and Alyssa's spaceship was faster than the speed of light, and being dragged at that speed, my back caught on fire. Finally, Alberto and Alyssa's spaceship ran out of gas. I was relieved but in unimaginable pain. Blake & Christina rushed over. They were about to open their mouths, but faster than the shake of a lamb's tail, the engine started up again. That was because Alberto and Alyssa refilled their tank on plutonium whenever they ran out of gas.
Well, you know I was on fire, right? One of the sparks escaped and began to cut the rope extended from the spaceship. I stopped abruptly. By that time, I was up by Holliday Park. Alberto and Alyssa were still speeding through the sky in their spaceship, cackling and thinking I was still tied on.
Soon, Christina & Blake caught up. "Are you ok, MDHC?" they asked in unison. "Yes . . .yes . . . yes. I'm. . . fine," I panted. Then, Christina began to talk in a rush. "We sent out the SOS signal because our computer told us that Alberto and Alyssa were on their way. We still don't know what they were up to and what they want from us. That's what we have to figure out. Apparently, they got here too fast and we were too late to answer the door for you when they tied you up and began to drag you at the speed of light. I'm so, so, so sorry we didn't come sooner. Blake was peeing on a fire hydrant and I was munching on some dog treats. We didn't know you were in great danger."
Well, night was drawing near. We snuggled up together to brainstorm on how to catch Alberto and Alyssa, and, in spite of my wound, I was pretty comfortable.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Lost in Indianapolis – Celebrity Look-Alike Canine Hero named Matt Damon!
Lost in Indianapolis – Celebrity Look-Alike Canine Hero named Matt Damon!
Just like in the movies, Matt Damon is a hero. In this case, Matt Damon is a beloved, celebrity look-alike, female, canine hero.
I am nine years old and have this job walking two dachshunds, June & Ward (not celebrity look-alikes), for my neighbor. One day about a month ago, it was cold outside when I went to walk them, so little Ward’s collar just slipped off. I turned to catch him, but at the same time, felt June’s collar slipping off too so I turned around and clipped her collar back on. By then, Ward had vanished from the scene!
Immediately, I ran home, tied June on the porch, opened the door, and hollered for my mom. The next three hours were spent frantically looking for Ward with many neighbors helping in the search. We were desperate and it was getting colder and darker by the minute.
A neighbor named, Shannon was out walking her incredible celebrity look-alike dog, appropriately named, Matt Damon, when she heard the bad news. Shannon sent Matty to join the search and in less than ten minutes, the superhero sniffed her way to success! Matt Damon rescued the shivering, tiny puppy from behind a bush in an abandoned lot.
After much praise (bones) and even a congratulatory search party dinner, thrown in her honor, it became Matt Damon’s turn to be devastatingly lost. Proud Shannon felt safe to leave Matt Damon at her sister’s house for the Thanksgiving holiday. For no apparent reason, the heroic dog slipped away from a warm campfire and has not been seen since the evening of November 29th. Lost in Indianapolis at about 65th and Keystone, friends & neighbors have scoured the streets, vets, lost dog websites, and animal shelters. But, we do not have our hero to help us search and have not been able to find this gorgeous, white and tan lab mix.
**UPDATE - This was written to help in the search. Matt Damon has been found!
Friday, December 6, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 6 (final chapter)

was my Monster Mission, which said to mail somebody a nice drawing or letter, and it was in a plastic bag where the needle went through. The other one was a card that I signed my name on. Then, with the needle still through the two tags, I pushed the needle through the Smarshmallow and pushed on a lever. One of those long stringy plastic things that came from the gun, like the kind you find in new clothes, hitched the two tags to the Promise Monster. I decided I wanted two missions, so I got to use the gun again. Each monster has its own mission, but since I designed my own Monster, I got to pick any mission. My second mission said to visit sick kids at a hospital. Then I got one of each of the button designs, and there were a lot! Plus a keyring and box for them! I didn't know how to thank Promise Monsters. That's why I decided to write this story. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
Eliza G. Bradbury
Thursday, December 5, 2013
My Trip to the Promise Monsters Factory Chapter 5
Next, Mike led me to a sewing machine on the other side of the room. He showed me how to sew the blue square into the small, sphere-like shape of the Smarshmallow. There was a small hole left at the bottom. We walked over to the stuffing machine. Erin and Zoe showed me how to stuff the Promise Monster. I held the Smarshmallow up to a long tube and the sasquatch stuffing machine heaved stuffing into the wee Monster's belly.
When the Monster was done being stuffed, Erin hand sewed a tag on and hand sewed the hole in the bottom closed.
Here is a video from the Promise Monsters website.
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