Thursday, May 23, 2013

On the Outskirts of Downtown Indianapolis - Introduction

Once there was a little girl named Eliza Bradbury.  She was eight and a half and had dishwater blond hair; cut asymmetrically.  She was four ft. four in., and she rarely dressed up fancy.  She liked to read, draw, and play house with her friends. She was not a girly- girl.  She did not like the stories where the prince rescues the lady. She thought the princess should rescue the man. Eliza lived with her four old cats: Nimbus, Gilligan, Cirrus, and Lucy; her old dog Willy; her mother, Kelly; her father, Dana; and her younger brother, Isaiah, who was almost three years old.  This is only the beginning of Eliza’s story.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Last Chapter of Runaway Groom (aka John and Jierra Meet Again)

John Perinski was nice and cozy in his warm bed in his mansion.  He found a job as a baker so he was rich. He did not want to get married, he was afraid his wife would use up all their money.   

Jierra Florence Meetlofe Nadenburger got on her bike to go to the nearest bakery for a midday treat. When she got there she parked her bike. She walked in and a man in a white baker's hat greeted her. "I'm Mr Perinski." "Perinski, Perinski," muttered Jierra. "Very familiar. Oh, you're the guy who tried to marry me for money!" And with that she stormed out the door. But before riding away, Jierra shouted,"Now I'm married to Gerald Nadenburger. So there!" 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Runaway Groom Chapter 7

         "I am sorry- I cannot explain why I'm doing this- I admit it- no." Then he walked quickly down the isle and was never seen again. For a split second the un-bride was scared stiff. Then she broke into sobs. It was plain to see that her heart was broken into seven million and twenty-four pieces. It was a miracle she even lived. Her auntie rushed up the isle to comfort her.  But the heartbroken un-bride was so upset that she seemed to be angry at everyone. So she ran down the isle, out the door, across the street and all the nine blocks home. She burst into her front door, ran to her room, flopped on her bed and sulked.

 Years Later

   Jierra held her newborn baby in her arms. Her husband Gerald lay next to her on the bed. I remember the day I almost married a man named John, Jierra thought. I'm glad I didn't marry him. He probably thought I had lot of money. But I don't. I only have as much as I need.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Runaway Groom Chapter 6

 Jierra hesitated.  Then she said, "Why not?"  She leaned forward and put one hand on either side of  the doorway, shifting her position.  So the next day Jierra telephoned cousin Edlia to come over to help make her dress. 

         Jierra looked fabulous on the day of the wedding. Her chestnut hair had been highlighted with brick red and been put up in a thick little bun-bun on the top of her head. The bun had been tied with a white satin ribbon.  She had a long white satin gown to match her hair ribbon. Her veil was made of silver netting covered in glitter glue.   

                             John glanced at the benches covered in people. All of a sudden a child caught his eye. The child was reading a book.  He saw a picture in the book. The item in the picture looked exactly like Jierra's gold. Even though it was upside down John could tell that it's headline was:  Fool's Gold
The minister was now asking, "Do you take this woman as your wife?"

Friday, May 3, 2013

Runaway Groom chapter 5

That afternoon Jierra drove home with a wire cage containing her new pet chicken Cazette.  That evening she would go to the pet store to buy a chicken coop and chicken feed but until then Cazette would have to stay in a cage.

    Finally, one day, a few weeks later, Jierra heard a knock at the door. She opened it.

John knocked on Jierra's door, out of breath. He had ran up the steps as fast as he could because the longer he waited to ask his question, the more uneasy he felt. He decided to be confident, though, because he was ready for some loot. He quickly said, "Will you marry me?" The question was out! He almost gave a whoop of joy, but held back. He did not want Jierra to think he was crazy.