Friday, March 30, 2012

Chapter 2

Mr. Plumbottom had a family.  Including fifty employees, (He had actually hired an employee for each year of his life.) a daughter, a wife, a sister, his daughter’s children, his daughter’s husband, and thirty pet fish.   His house was a ship full of gold because he was a pirate.  They were once attacked by a giant centipede sea monster, but did not lose a single person or single coin of gold.  They ate cake and pizza and turkey.  Their bathroom smelled of ivory soap and they had a hot tub and three televisions.  This was not any fun for Mr. Plumbottom when he turned fifty because he did not want to be old.  He couldn’t enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Professer pirate plumbottom

Mr. Plumbottom, The Famous Professer, was turning 50. He could not believe it. He had all he wanted,plus a pirate ship filled with gold. But he had something he didn't want. It was turning 50. He did not want his brown hair to turn gray. He did not want to lose his world record for being fast. His daughter, Sarah, who was 17, said, "Daddy, don't worry! This means you're living a good and long life!" Eileen, his sister, was forty -nine. She teased him about being old. Finally, his birthday came. Chocolate cake! Yum! Maybe turning fifty wasn't so bad after all.