Friday, May 3, 2013

Runaway Groom chapter 5

That afternoon Jierra drove home with a wire cage containing her new pet chicken Cazette.  That evening she would go to the pet store to buy a chicken coop and chicken feed but until then Cazette would have to stay in a cage.

    Finally, one day, a few weeks later, Jierra heard a knock at the door. She opened it.

John knocked on Jierra's door, out of breath. He had ran up the steps as fast as he could because the longer he waited to ask his question, the more uneasy he felt. He decided to be confident, though, because he was ready for some loot. He quickly said, "Will you marry me?" The question was out! He almost gave a whoop of joy, but held back. He did not want Jierra to think he was crazy.


  1. I can't wait to hear Jierra's response!

  2. What is he going to do with all the money? Assuming she says yes. I hope she finds out before he drains her bank account though I think her heart will be broken!

  3. I'm not ruining the end for you. Read more when it comes out!
