Monday, November 3, 2014

Ginger Sailboat, Introduction

 For Halloween, I was a grumpy old lady who had dark glasses and a bonnet. Her name was  Ginger Sailboat. And this is her life story. The introduction will be told in third person, whereas  the story will be first person.

There are some things you should know about Ginger.

1. Her middle name is Hannah.

2. Her nickname is Ginny.

3.When she was forty years old, her son died.

4. She has lots of moles on her face, and she is proud of that.

5. Her favorite type of material is white lace.

6. She is blind.

7. She is eighty-nine years old.

8. Her favorite food is marshmallow cream and her favorite drink is brandy.

9. Though she is slow and wobbly nowadays, she used to be very nimble.

10. She used to be a pretty redhead with a lovely singing voice.
Now that you know Ginger, you will be prepared when the next  chapter comes out.

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